What We Do

We help businesses and individuals grow their money and find peace of mind through financial literacy programs and unique investment and security strategies. In today’s uncertain economic climate, it is more important now than ever to take the time to explore options and alternatives to commonly known investment vehicles, like 401(k) and IRAs, financial security, like life insurance, and total compensation programs, like employee benefits. 

We know that whether it’s your family or those you call family in your business life, it’s important to protect against life’s risks, reach your financial goals, and reduce market risk. That’s why we deploy these core concepts when working with businesses, their employees, and families. 

  • Protect years of accumulated growth and save on years of recovery with guaranteed principal protection
  • Any interest you have gained is secure and protected from market downturns.
  • Accumulate a cash value component that can be accessed tax-free in retirement and borrowed against the cash value or withdraws without incurring income tax. 

Examples of Products and Services Offered:

  • Financial Literacy
  • Proprietary 5-year Retirement Plan with 3:1 Matching
  • Tax Advantages & Tax Free Retirement
  • Specialized Programs with Index Strategies that include gains relative to market with no losses
  • Diverse Life Insurance Products and Services
  • Living Benefits like Terminal, Chronic, and Critical Illness
  • Key Man Insurance
  • Buy-Sell Agreements

We teach people strategies to take control of their financial future.

With our policies, you can enjoy the following key benefits:

1. Market Gains: Our insurance options provide opportunities for market gains, allowing you to participate in the growth of select investment markets. This potential for growth ensures your wealth has the potential to increase over time.

2. No Losses: Unlike traditional investment vehicles, our policies protect you from market downturns. You can rest assured knowing that your principal amount is safeguarded, ensuring that you won't experience any losses due to market volatility.

3. Tax-Free Income: One of the standout features of our insurance options is the tax-free income they offer. You can receive regular payments or lump sum distributions without having to pay income taxes on the funds you receive, helping you maximize your overall financial gains.

By combining market gains, protection against losses, and tax-free income, our unique insurance options provide a comprehensive approach to growing and preserving your wealth. Experience the peace of mind that comes with financial security and explore the possibilities these policies can offer you. 

Unlock the potential of your workforce with our innovative approach. We understand that for small businesses, providing competitive benefits can be a challenge. That's why we're here to offer you a game-changing solution that sets you apart from the competition.

Businesses are spending 40-80% of revenue on total compensation for employees. With the increasing pressures to offer more flexibility, higher pay, and more protection for our people, this program offers the one solution we need – more money. 

By using leverage your people get a potential 60-100% more benefits than what your contribution can provide alone. 

Our alternative 401k solutions meet the unique needs of your organization and your employees. We believe that retirement planning shouldn't be a burden to a business, but an opportunity for growth and financial security for themselves and their team members (both W2 and 1099). 

We offer plans with: 

  • 3:1 matching using leverage
  • Gains relative to the market with no losses
  • Terminal, chronic, critical illness along with critical injury and Alzheimer's disease benefits 
  • Potential income tax-free distributions
  • Bonus structures with tax advantages for the business

We understand the importance of attracting and retaining top talent. By offering our alternative 401k solutions, you position your business as an employer of choice, attracting high-performing individuals who value long-term security and growth.

By choosing Unique Growth, you not only provide your employees with robust retirement options, but you also send a powerful message: you value their long-term financial well-being and are committed to helping them achieve their financial goals.

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